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Re: RD350 TR3 Replica

Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2015 8:03 pm
by ged
gman wrote:Yes i have seen that video. gets the pulse racing just watching. I did own a 2010 r1 that saw allot of track time. It was a fantastic bike but in the end i wanted more power.
Hahaha. Isn't it funny how ultimate power corrupts absolutely!

I spent a couple of years in the late '90s on an FZR1000 and it was an incredibly competent, seriously fast motorcycle. We had a lot of fun together! But it did teach me how you become addicted to that much horsepower!

I eventually sold it (because my kids were still young then, and the probability and statistics thing) and made myself settle for the 14HP of my side valve Beeza! But really, I did kid myself.

Re: RD350 TR3 Replica

Posted: Sat Oct 10, 2015 7:06 pm
by ged
So I could use some advice on tracking down vintage Yamaha parts? Wheel bearings and seals for the '71 CS3 hub I'm playing with for the other project I'm working on (SR) as well as gearbox bearings and seals for the RD? Any suggestions appreciated.

I also need steering head bearings for this DS7 frame? The RD350 front end has tapered rollers fitted, so I assume there is a tapered roller conversion kit available. Any ideas?


In other asides, the $100 chineses rims (going on the SR) have turned up. I guess their what you would expect really..... Very soft (they scratch if you fart near em) and the welded joins are well,.... Pretty ordinarily finished really. Fine for a job like this but I'm happy to spend the extra on the RD wheels.


Re: RD350 TR3 Replica

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2015 9:14 pm
by ged
Waiting, waiting. Bits coming in from all over the planet at the moment but otherwise slow progress.

I did come across this:


An '70's XS hub and flanged DID 18" 36 hole rim. Good start, but the XS hub is soooo heavy! Phenomenal. i think it's the same size brake as an RD hub, but there's no Cush drive and it weighs a ton. Probably great on a cruiser.....

Did anyone else make it to the Laidley Swap on the weekend?

I only dragged myself up there (3 hours) on the Sunday which is kinda dumb on one hand because the best bits are gone by Saturday morning, but on the other hand good, because everything left is at bargain prices! Thus....


The first wheel is (another!) XS650 hub that had an RD200 twin leader back plate on it that I paid 2 bux for. The second wheel is an RD200 front wheel ( different stall) that cost me another 2 bux and the the third is some Honda rear wheel and brake with a full width finned ally hub that should fit ok on the other project I'm doing (SR).

That all sounds chip enough, but what's shitting me is that the I've just finished the ally rim and the CS3 hub that I blasted earlier (which is all going on the SR) and it's come up nice, BUT....


I don't have a CS3 backplate and I knew the RD200 backplate I picked up (in an XS650 rear hub) has a different speedo drive, so won't work. But then I picked up the RD200 hub!


So now..... I think it might be easier and cheaper to rebuild the RD200 hub into the ally rim..... Nothing shits me.

Re: RD350 TR3 Replica

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2015 9:34 pm
by ged
Ok. There's not a lot of vintage Japanese action at Laidley (always lots of pommy bits) but there was this. Which has some handy tips and techniques for wannabe TR builders.








And, some gratuitous motorcycle porn...




I've gotta get there on the Saturday next year.....

Re: RD350 TR3 Replica

Posted: Mon Feb 29, 2016 3:07 pm
by ged
Yes, it's been awhile and you could be excused for thinking I've given up, but things have been progressing slowly but surely and I've had some time to throw at it over the last few weeks to push it on a bit.

Building a motorcycle from scratch over the Internet would once upon a time, seemed a ridiculous idea, but I gotta say, it's not working out too bad. In the back of my mind the whole time has been the experience of my 1954 Beeza that I've owned for 23 odd years.I did start that with a 95% complete carcass, but by the time I'd replaced all the worn out bits,q I was really only left with the tinware, cases, barrel and head off the original bike! Everything else needed replacing......

In contrast to the LC/RZ market at the moment, Aircooled RD parts seem to be still plentiful and affordable. I've not really been tallying costs, but it hasn't spiralled out of (completely) out of control as these things tend to do..... I've had some great help and offers from some of the good people here as well.

You'll probably remember that this project pretty much started with a very stuffed TZ tank that I brought back from the dead? I was happy enough with the structural integrity of the repairs, but the downpside was that it ended up incredibly heavy! Like, it's not gonna split, but gee..... So, I decided to take a mold and make up another tank and fit the heavy tank to the SR250 project I'm also working on.


I tracked down some 350 barrels and heads in Adelaide which should give me a reasonable set to work with. One of the 3 barrels is scored and it will be a challenge to rebore within the 2mm oversize.... The replacement barrel should be ok, but it already measures out to 65mm, so a new rebore will be pushing that close to its limit as well. I'll probably use an engineer up the way a bit who used to race TZs back in the 80s and has done some great work for me before on the Beeza.



I love my glass bead blaster....

I mounted my 'free' cases up into the frame a few weeks ago and noticed this.....


Could probably be repaired, but sort of thing someone might want to consider in another 20 years when the parts supply has dried up. No real reason to go that far really when I found another set of nice cases from my old mate in Adelaide for a reasonable price. Their on their way up now, with a reasonable crank in them as well. Should have that here later in the week.


Frame took a loooong time to prep, modify and paint. I initially cleaned, blasted and undercoated, but then I needed to wait until I had tracked down and sourced the fairing brackets which all need to be welded to the frame. I eventually sourced the fairing, screen and upper and rear mount brackets all the way from Finland!

If your after any of this stuff, I can recommend Seppo Ahonen from Shop97 Finland, ( look him up on the net or eBay). This stuff is super light race glass, so it may struggle to hold up to road use, but it's still pretty nicely done. It's going to take a little work to clean up some of the surfaces prior to paint as the mold he's used still has race number plate and old mount points visable, but no biggie. The brackets are the Meadspeed replicas (which were cheaper through Seppoq than Meadspeed) and I got him to ship me the screen, skimpy TZ inner rear guard and a Dunstall front fender, all landed for under 700bux! Pretty good value.


So, frame mods and footrests finally completed, I managed to finally get some paint on the frame a couple of weeks ago.


I found my front flanged rim out of an eBay seller in Italy (Marcello from PRicambi) and again, I'm well pleased with the quality. I had ordered a pair of non flanged ally rims out a local eBay seller a couple of months ago for the other project I've been working on, and really....they were pretty ordinary quality. The join on the rim was terrible visually as well as having significant runout in the area. Pita. Mar cellos rims are much nicer, reasonably priced and delivered in 10 days by tracked shipping.










So, I've put all that together over the past few days and I'm pretty much out of spare time for a while, so things might slow down again for a bit. There are a few more bits and pieces in the post, but I'm arranging a few pick ups on my way to BazzaFest in a couple if weeks so hopefully, I'll tick a few more boxes after that.

Still a loooong way to go, but getting there.

Re: RD350 TR3 Replica

Posted: Sun May 15, 2016 10:15 am
by BRG1200
Great job, hope you've been getting some time to progress it

Re: RD350 TR3 Replica

Posted: Mon May 16, 2016 10:22 am
by ged
Cheers BRG. Yeah, slowly but surely getting along. Little parcels keep arriving at the Post Office from all over the planet and piece by piece, its all starting to add up.

I met up with Pat (EPA Police from here) at the Barry Sheene Festival and as well as ogling over his gorgeous pair of TZ's, I collected a whole swag of handy bits and pieces which reduced my Wanted List considerably! Cheers Pat.

Still trying to track down a few more bits. Building a complete bike from parts via the internet is totally do-able, but it is taking a while and I guess the $ must be starting to add up, but I'm trying not to count. I've got most of the missing list all tee'ed up with an eBay seller down the coast a bit, but he's moving house and stuffing around and its taking forever, but I'm sure it will get there eventually.


Been screwing the motor back together over the past few weeks. The original gearbox from the 'free' seized motor still had plenty of oil in it, so internally it was still largely, in good condition as were the original bearings, so it has all been cleaned up and refitted with new seals throughout plus the original clutch and original ignition. I've decided to build this motor as a largely standard RD350B engine and at some point down the road collect together the requisite pieces for a higher tuned piston port motor.




Carbs are probably next. They're all RD400 carbs, but hopefully I can make them work.

I'm at the stage of sorting foot pegs, levers and cable rear brake but really the next acquisition needs to be the expansion chambers and exhaust, so that they can be fitted snugly under the fairing. Might be a challenge. its all pretty tight under there. I need to get that all sorted before I can set up clocks and a headlight, which need to be frame mounted.

Anyway, things are about to swing into a bit of a new phase whereby I trade my wonderful work/life balance into a far less balanced scenario.... so finding time from now on might be more difficult, but at least ill be able to afford some nice new spannies! Ill be needing a high speed commuter to get to my new work (30km of winding North Coast scratching road!) and I can see this thing fitting the bill nicely. Id better get my finger out.

Re: RD350 TR3 Replica

Posted: Mon May 16, 2016 10:15 pm
by BRG1200
Good for you buddy!

Re: RD350 TR3 Replica

Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2016 9:32 pm
by gman
Just had another read through your project Jed. I'm excited for you. :Clap: You've made some solid progress. In my little racer build i found extra motivation, once i started installing all the aquired parts. I think you could use the rd header pipes and make a shallow taper,tuned chamber to fit under your fairing. How's your fuel tank going? Fuel tap? filler? keep up the good work Jed.
Ps you seen to be the yamaha spoked, drum brake wheel whisperer, If you happen to find a yr1 350, r5 350 or simillar rear wheel I've got parts or cash as trade.

Re: RD350 TR3 Replica

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2016 10:00 am
by EPApolice
It was good to meet up at the Barry Sheene Ged.
Your project is coming along nicely there, mine is still a bare frame at this stage.

Re: RD350 TR3 Replica

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2016 8:48 pm
by ged
Cheers guys. Yep, it's been a bit of a journey collecting a motorcycle piece by piece, but I think it can be done. The internet makes the world a much smaller place.

I've hit a bit of a brick wall time wise though.... As I mentioned in my last post, I bought another business which I'm operating as well as my existing business, which pretty much translates to doing at least 4 jobs at the one time. So I haven't made any progress at all since my last post, except for tracking down the last few remaining pieces of the jigsaw puzzle and even those are sitting in a nice neat stack of unopened post boxes in the shed. The old conundrum, when you've got the time, you don't have the money and when you've got the money, you don't have the time.

I think I mentioned somewhere earlier that my old M21 Beeza took me 20 odd bloody years to finish, so hopefully this won't drag on like that, but you can only do what you can and I'll get around to a bit of burst on this again before too long. I think.....

The last major part I was having trouble tracking down was an RD rear hub. That's an XS rear hub in it at the moment, which doesn't have the rubber Cush drive. If RD hubs are getting hard to find then it might be even more difficult finding an R5 or earlier hub Gman, but I'll certainly keep my eye open. Laidley Swap will be coming up in a few weeks time, and that's the sort of place that turns up weird stuff like early Yamaha hubs.

Heya Pat! Yeah, I had a great weekend at Bazzafest! A long drive, but it's always worth the effort. Thanks heaps for all the bits you helped me out with mate. They all went together beutifully. I'll have some photos somewhere I'll get around to posting soon.

Re: RD350 TR3 Replica

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2016 9:41 am
by ged
So, gman this turned up in my eBay watchlist today and (its unaffordable with the post) but its interesting because the seller lists the hub as compatible with 250's and 350's from '67 through to '75? ... EBIDX%3AIT

I had in my mind that they were the same, but I wasn't sure why. It might be worth scouring some of the online part lists to confirm if its the same hub.

Re: RD350 TR3 Replica

Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2016 10:25 pm
by gman
Any progress on the bike Ged? Hows your work venture?

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Re: RD350 TR3 Replica

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2016 8:32 am
by ged
Well Gman...... I wish I could say I'd been getting somewhere, but reality is nowt! I just looked at the date of my last post which was mid May, a couple of weeks before I took over the café I'm running, and basically I haven't had time to scratch my butt pretty much ever since.... I've done all of this before, so I cant claim its a surprise, but still I keep asking myself, "what the fck was I thinking".

I will get the opportunity to get a bit more done soon I think, so i'm still collecting bits and pieces to make that happen. I did a deal on Gumtree with some guy in Adelaide for an RD250 Rear hub, which basically turned to poop when what eventually turned up was a bunch of bits (minus the bloody hub!) for a rear disc braked RD400C! Fat lot of good. If anyone is after bits for a '76 RD400C rear hub, let me know! Or, if anyone has an RD350 rear drum, let me know too!

I'm still looking for a nice set of expansion chambers too. Someone posted a link a few months ago to a mob in Japan, (Wemoto? or Webmoto?) that do nice looking pipes for LC/RZ's that look like they might be made to fit an aircooled without tooo much alteration. Does anyone know if this is practical? are they the same header/exhaust port diameter for instance?

Re: RD350 TR3 Replica

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2016 11:28 am
by James W.
Ged, you can always adapt the the header pipes you already have to the expansion chambers you get.

Have a look at they offer a KR 150 pipe for under a $100-,
& at that price you could afford to bitch them into shape.