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Re: MotoGP Malaysia....

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2015 7:57 pm
by ged
OzzyElsie wrote:I smell a rat, a Spanish rat :evil:
Hang on. Aren't I the resident "conspiracy theorist"?

You're right though. How come Pedrobot dropped 3 seconds and then managed to fight them back all of a sudden, had a crack at Marquez and then fell asleep. What was that about?

All credit to Lorenzo though, even if I'm not entirely sure he was the fastest rider all year. The end result may well have been entirely different if not for Marquez's ducks and drakes in the last couple of rounds. But whatever, I guess it's a discussion for next season.

I think people can say what they like about Rossi, he certainly has planty of haters as well as supporters, but he really showed his class last night and realistically without him in the championship it would be a complete Spanish benefit and that is a complete aberration that should never have been allowed to develop.

Re: MotoGP Malaysia....

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2015 9:26 pm
by hybrid
Rossi charged through the field of slower riders, that's all he did.
Once he got past all the people he would beat on any day of the week, that was the end of it. No special feat to be seen.

Next year he's going to have it a lot harder. Once Marquez went back to the 2014 frame he was much better (at least until grandpa made him crash).
Pedrobot is going to be high in confidence after the good finish to the season after his operation.
And Lorenzo is just Mr Consistent... I'm not a fan, but you have to give him that at least.

I can't wait until there's an Aussie back in the mix... I don't want to be forced to like any of these Euro blokes ;)

Re: MotoGP Malaysia....

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2015 9:57 pm
by ged
hybrid wrote:Rossi charged through the field of slower riders, that's all he did.
Once he got past all the people he would beat on any day of the week, that was the end of it. No special feat to be seen.

I can't wait until there's an Aussie back in the mix... I don't want to be forced to like any of these Euro blokes ;)
Your a hard man to please hybrid!

I'm totally with you in getting Aussies some decent rides..... There were 3 Aussies in the last 5 grid spots, but talent alone isn't enough these days to ensure that your not just an also ran.

Re: MotoGP Malaysia....

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2015 10:10 pm
by hybrid
Yeah there is a big gap in speed from the factory teams to the rest. Gone are the days where a privateer team can spring an upset

Sent from my Nexus 10 using Tapatalk

Re: MotoGP Malaysia....

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2015 10:19 pm
by Link
I say f**** them all off and bring back 500 2 bangers no traction control s**** and see who wins. Bring back the mighty highside. its become like a wsb race with the exception of a few guys with special bits running up the front. suzuki get some special tyres and can qualify well before they go back through the field and the crt is just a way for some older riders to still get cash while they are too slow to win, id do the same but there a heaps of young guys who given the chance would go a lot better. the whole scene is a bit boring for the pinacle of motorcycle racing i feel.Link

Re: MotoGP Malaysia....

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2015 11:16 pm
by OzzyElsie
ged wrote: Hang on. Aren't I the resident "conspiracy theorist"?
Conspiracy??? What conspiracy? :twisted:


Re: MotoGP Malaysia....

Posted: Tue Nov 10, 2015 12:07 am
by 2TInstitute
ged wrote:
I think people can say what they like about Rossi, he certainly has planty of haters as well as supporters, but he really showed his class last night and realistically without him in the championship it would be a complete Spanish benefit and that is a complete aberration that should never have been allowed to develop.
Eh hows that? Nobody complained when it was an Australian/USA/Italian "benefit", simple fact is the Spanish CEV championship would be as big as every national superbike championship in the world put together minus the BSB, Italian and German championships.
20,000-30,000 spectators attend each round and in the good old 2T days that was where all the ex works machinery went straight there. Spain is putting the structure and the money in and is reaping the rewards
A quick look on the Spanish equivalent of the ABC , TVE shows motorcycle racing EVERY night , and it covers road,mx enduro and trials and there are Spanish riders at the top level of each discipline. That coverage would go for 5 min much more than the 10-15 seconds we get here

Re: MotoGP Malaysia....

Posted: Tue Nov 10, 2015 7:25 am
by ged
Jeeeez Ozzy. I nearly threw up in my mouth.

It's a chicken and the egg scenario now 2t. GP racing has always been wildly popular in Spain (in their one round per year), I don't contest that but in the pre Dorna era they hadnt produced any top 500 riders (save Puig, Criville and maybe Checa) and no champions at all. Now, we have wall to wall Spanish riders across all 3 classes, a predominance of Spanish teams, sponsors and even the administration, (that gives them 4 rounds a year) and the worst part being the overarching system that gives preference to Spnish riders.

The whole thing is now feeding on itself, concentrating the problem even further every season.

Re: MotoGP Malaysia....

Posted: Tue Nov 10, 2015 8:41 am
by hybrid
Link wrote:I say f**** them all off and bring back 500 2 bangers no traction control s**** and see who wins. Bring back the mighty highside. its become like a wsb race with the exception of a few guys with special bits running up the front. suzuki get some special tyres and can qualify well before they go back through the field and the crt is just a way for some older riders to still get cash while they are too slow to win, id do the same but there a heaps of young guys who given the chance would go a lot better. the whole scene is a bit boring for the pinacle of motorcycle racing i feel.Link

I don't think you would get many arguments here on any of that. The only ones that wouldn't agree are the ones who are making a shitload of money out of the 4stroke era.

Re: MotoGP Malaysia....

Posted: Tue Nov 10, 2015 10:28 am
by OzzyElsie
ged wrote: It's a chicken and the egg scenario now 2t. GP racing has always been wildly popular in Spain (in their one round per year), I don't contest that but in the pre Dorna era they hadnt produced any top 500 riders (save Puig, Criville and maybe Checa) and no champions at all. Now, we have wall to wall Spanish riders across all 3 classes, a predominance of Spanish teams, sponsors and even the administration, (that gives them 4 rounds a year) and the worst part being the overarching system that gives preference to Spnish riders.
Success breeds success, but exactly how you start the sequence is the difficult part :roll: .

Over decades there have most certainly been many attempts to promote and kick start various racing series in Australia and America that I know of. There has been limited success (MX and Supercross!?). So it is not for the want of trying.

If Australia, or anyone else, was truly interested maybe they should go back and study what the Spanish did, how they started the cycle. We probably want be able to replicate exactly what they did but could use elements; maybe - taking control of Dorna and FIM and their $$$$'s and influence maybe involve a fight or two.

Regardless, one of the problems is that success can either stimulate or crush growth. Stimulates by creating interest and awareness, setting best practice etc etc or crushes by sucking the oxygen out of any rival series (oxygen is the $$$$'s from audience, sponsors etc etc). This can be seen in the competition between MotoGP and World Supers.

The nurseries, feeder series and regional races all need oxygen. When there is only limited supply then the MotoGP succeeds and the local dies. In Australia Sydney motorcyclists, avidly watch pay TV, plan ahead, take holidays, spend thousand of $$$$'s to go to PI and the World Supers but won't ride to EC to see a round of the Australian Supers. Figure that out and counter it and you'll be half way home.

What it comes down to is for all human activity to have ongoing success there has to be a closed loop of training and success. Spain has the closed loop but the world series doesn't. So either Dorna and FIM et al has to consciously feed oxygen to the world's motorcycling racing nurseries or the World Championship will die. It might continue with the name, financial success and the entertainment industry success but it will be a Spanish benefit masquerading as a World Series.

Re: MotoGP Malaysia....

Posted: Tue Nov 10, 2015 3:13 pm
by EPApolice
Two problems here that I see
1 Australia is too far away from everywhere else so nobody outside Australia really cares what happens here
2 Nobody goes to watch bike racing even the ASBK or FX series get very few spectators and club level gets none at all. If you are in Europe where the weather is shit you still get decent crowds to any motor sport event. No spectators = no sponsors = no money = kids playing some form of football or X Box.

Re: MotoGP Malaysia....

Posted: Tue Nov 10, 2015 3:28 pm
by hybrid
I think this country is also going a bit Cafe Latte for racing.
They're more likely to recite poetry than want to eat dirt on a trailbike etc

Then you've got idiots like Tracey Grimshaw doing stupid news on "Hoons" making any motoring enthusiast look bad.

Re: MotoGP Malaysia....

Posted: Tue Nov 10, 2015 10:55 pm
by BRG1200
Ohferfuksake, can't seem to make a post stick in here tonight.
Short version, coz I'm sick of one finger typing.
The cameras are only on the spanish riders, even when you can hear there's a titanic battle going on elsewhere in the field you're not going to see it if spanish riders aren't in it.
Australia doesn't get news, it gets shallow sensationalism. In SA anyway the 'news' is fascile junk. Not surprised to hear this grimshaw person is peddling sensationalism, unfortunately :-/

Re: MotoGP Malaysia....

Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2015 7:09 am
by ged
EPApolice wrote: 2 Nobody goes to watch bike racing even the ASBK or FX series get very few spectators and club level gets none at all.
Formula Xtreme is part of the problem......

The ARRC used to be a highly competitive, vibrant and well funded national series that always provided a good day out. From memory, FX started when someone was disgruntled with MA over something or another so started a rival series effectively cutting the ARRC in half, with competitors, support classes, sponsorship all being diluted between 2 series.

It hasn't been the same since.

Here, one of you blokes must need a job? ... r&whereid=

Get in and fix it for us!