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Just bought a 1984 RG250

Posted: Fri Dec 13, 2013 8:08 pm
by BRG1200
I've never owned a Suzuki before, always liked these little pretty things at a distance.
I've found a couple of websites but I'm sure there's many more useful ones out there. Anyone got any good links?
I've generally been a Yamaha sort so far, probably isn't but are there any peculiarities about Suzuki ownership I should bear in mind?
I'm hoping this little RG will need not so much restoring, hopefully more a chunk of TLC and some paint and polish.

Re: Just bought a 1984 RG250

Posted: Fri Dec 13, 2013 8:19 pm
by BRG1200
Also, it's got some kind of anti dive - does this work nicely or is it a period gimmick?

Re: Just bought a 1984 RG250

Posted: Sat Dec 14, 2013 7:48 am
by Gazzah
Gday BRG1200,
I had one of these (84 Rg250) back in the day, I remember it got new top end at 45,000 kms and otherwise never missed a beat. So I dont think there is anything specific to worry about with them. Ive recently got one as well (trying to relive my youth) and slowly getting it recommisioned.
Long time ago but from memory the front fork/anti dive was quite good for the time, and generally regarded to be better handler than the RZ's.( certainly a lot lighter). Motor wise tho they are a bit weak down low compared to the ypvs yamaha.
There doesnt seem to be much info around like the rd/rz's, If I find any good links I will post them.