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Broken / no key ignition switches / locks / caps LC and RZ?

Posted: Wed Oct 08, 2014 10:34 am
by JonW
I expect like me you just dont chuck stuff out and you have a box of crappy LC and/or RZ parts that you wont part with, but also will never use... they take up room, gather dust but for some reason you cannot just put them in the bin... dont worry you arent alone... far from it!

In that box... do you have any ignition switches, fuel caps, seat locks, helmet that have lost their keys or have broken parts, cut wires, snapped keys etc etc?

If so, then rather than store them forever I would love to take them off your hands and welcome all dead and dying keyed items as Ive worked through my stash of lock parts now.

Im also happy to take those random loose Yamaha keys that dont fit anything if you have some lying around as well.

(of course, these dont need to be LC or RZ or even Yamaha, most of the Japanese manufacturers bought lock/ignitions from the same suppliers back in the day, Ive happily culled parts from random Suzukis as well :lol: )

Re: Broken / no key ignition switches / locks / caps LC and

Posted: Thu Oct 09, 2014 1:29 pm
by DOC03
I might have a couple O things left.
Ill have a squiz

Re: Broken / no key ignition switches / locks / caps LC and

Posted: Thu Oct 09, 2014 4:32 pm
by JonW
Cheers m8!