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NBN - Who has It? - Is Its Worth IT?

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2016 1:49 pm
by OzzyElsie
NBN - Who has It? - Is Its Worth IT?

I just got a notice that it is available.

Re: NBN - Who has It? - Is Its Worth IT?

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2016 7:28 pm
by hybrid
What have you got at the moment, and what are they offering you?
If it's fibre they're offering you, then it will probably be considerably better than what you have. If it's fibre to the node (then copper to your house) it may not be all that much better than what you have.

But then it depends how you use your internet as to whether there's much benefit over what you're currently using.

Re: NBN - Who has It? - Is Its Worth IT?

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2016 9:43 am
by ged
Fibre!? (to either house or node). You guys are bloody lucky.

The whole NSW North Coast is being done with wireless towers. They've stuck one about a Klm up the road from my house, but without line of sight, it wont work. Why they would even try wireless is one of the most forested, hilly areas of the state is just beyond me.....

Re: NBN - Who has It? - Is Its Worth IT?

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2016 1:39 pm
by OzzyElsie
ged wrote:Fibre!? (to either house or node). You guys are bloody lucky.

The whole NSW North Coast is being done with wireless towers. They've stuck one about a Klm up the road from my house, but without line of sight, it wont work. Why they would even try wireless is one of the most forested, hilly areas of the state is just beyond me.....
For the bullshit Turnbull 'sold' about the new LNP NBN he should not be thrown out of the PM office but tarred and feathered and thrown out of Australia.

And the biggest losers were regional Australia - and they still loyally vote for LNP - go figure. And the prick says we face an exciting future based in technology.

Re: NBN - Who has It? - Is Its Worth IT?

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2016 7:03 pm
by hybrid
4G is faster than my cable at home when it works - it's not a bad technology at all. In flat expansive rural areas it's a good option.
Why they go that way is simple. It's much cheaper than running fibre to those areas.

Labor was never going to run fibre everywhere either. Its just not feasible.

Re: NBN - Who has It? - Is Its Worth IT?

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2016 9:21 pm
by ged
hybrid wrote:4G is faster than my cable at home when it works - it's not a bad technology at all. In flat expansive rural areas it's a good option.
Why they go that way is simple. It's much cheaper than running fibre to those areas.

Labor was never going to run fibre everywhere either. Its just not feasible.
Actually Hyby, is was even more complicated than that. Anyone who has been around here long enough remembers the 2 years of stop/go signs holding us all up while Telstra connected every single local exchange with Fibre Optic cable, around the early 2000's. It's all been bloody well done!

Sol Trujilo and his band of merry idiots refused to negotiate a reasonable fee to access it when Steven Conroy was running NBN, so they said "stuff ya", we'll do it without you.

Absolutely agree with you there Ozzy. It will take Australia 20 bloody years to overcome Turnbulls disastrous handling of the thing since he took over.

And they wonder why the electorate us disillusioned.....

Re: NBN - Who has It? - Is Its Worth IT?

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2016 9:25 pm
by hybrid
You forget it was shit well before he took it over.

Sent from my A0001 using Tapatalk

Re: NBN - Who has It? - Is Its Worth IT?

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2016 10:30 pm
by ged
hybrid wrote:You forget it was shit well before he took it over.

Sent from my A0001 using Tapatalk
If you take Ziggy Switkowski's word for it rather than Mike Quigly, which I don't, but it is kinda the point I was making.

Re: NBN - Who has It? - Is Its Worth IT?

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2016 10:41 pm
by hybrid
No need to take either. There were plenty of first hand accounts showing the quality (or lack thereof) of the installs. It was poorly managed and still is.

Sent from my A0001 using Tapatalk

Re: NBN - Who has It? - Is Its Worth IT?

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2016 1:42 pm
by ged
Yeah, I take your point Hyby.

I think the unfortunate reality is that the whole project was so hopelessly politicised from the outset that it never really had a chance. Infrastructure projects of that magnitude and importance should be placed above the fray of right/left politics and be delivered by expert professionals with governments just left to find the money to do the job properly.

Re: NBN - Who has It? - Is Its Worth IT?

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2016 3:01 pm
by hybrid
I agree, but part of the problem is - if the REAL cost to implement it properly was ever calculated and marketed to the masses, I don't think it would have ever gone ahead.
Even now I don't think their estimates are anywhere near the mark.