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RDLC instrument dial screws - FOUND

Posted: Fri May 05, 2017 2:02 pm
by JonW
Ive lost the two screws that hold the dial on the tacho... Ive looked everywhere but theyre gone. sigh... Im gutted. What's worse, these are not even my clocks, they belong to a good mate of mine and I generously offered to swap the dial for him... Im an idiot. :roll:

The LC clocks are fitted with small machine screws and ones I need are in the middle of the dial, either side of the needle.

So far Ive found that they are different to the later RZs which have a self tapper style as they go into plastic. Of course the ones I want were probably also fitted to other models but I suspect nothing after 1982/3ish.

Either way, Im desperate to get 2 that match the LC speedo or Im going to have to bite the bullet and rip that apart to swap those to keep the clocks looking the same. :(

So, anyone got a dead speedo or tacho that still has some screws in it?

Re: RDLC instrument dial screws

Posted: Fri May 05, 2017 3:13 pm
by BRG1200
I have some much older RD family clocks, doubtful but I'll have a looksee if similar.

Re: RDLC instrument dial screws

Posted: Sat May 06, 2017 10:15 pm
by James W.
I expect they'd be ISO metric/Nippon Standard screws..
Jon, why not go to the nearest pick-a-part, & find some..

Re: RDLC instrument dial screws

Posted: Sun May 07, 2017 12:07 pm
by BRG1200
Good job we don't do obscure Brit bikes, I imagine the variance or lack of standardisation would be rather greater

Re: RDLC instrument dial screws

Posted: Sun May 07, 2017 1:30 pm
by JonW
Good thoughts, tho i dunno if we have any pick-a-parts now in sydney :/